Opening Hours Sun - Thur (08.30 AM to 05.00 PM)
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Desktop Software Development

– Application Development & Integration
– Database Programming & Consulting (design, development, deployment and implementation)

Web Development

Designing, building and supporting web-based software including websites, web portals, and other web solutions that bring about digital transformation and enhance business development.

QA & Software Testing

– Manual Testing
– Automated Software Testing 

Our Major Client

Since 12 years, AerData has been our major client. Aerdata is part of the Digital Aviation and Analytics business unit within Boeing Global Services. It is the leading provider of aviation asset management software and lease administration services. AerData serves over 100 customers including some of the industry`s most significant leasing companies, airlines, banks, and consulting firms. Appiatech is considered by AerData as one of the most trusted and reliable outsourcing companies.